It seems like every day I read about how government wastes money so I thought I would record them. Since I began this blog, I have been stunned by the amount of waste, fraud, and mismanagement I have found. I recognize that some government is necessary for any society to exist but without the "profit incentive" that we have in private enterprise, government continues to grow like a cancer and along with it the potential for abuse. If you ever needed a reason to limit government, just read some of the following posts.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Waste In 1997

  • $50,000 for the development of a Welcome Center Facility City for Enumclaw, Washington. 
  • $4,000,000 for the Gambling Impact Study Commission. 
  • $330,000 for Stellar Sea Lion research of the North Pacific Universities Marine Mammal Consortium. 
  • $785,000 for bluefish/striped bass research by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. 
  • $2,700,000 added by the Senate for the Animal Resource Wing at South Dakota State University. 
  • $4,000,000 added in conference for the Discovery Center of Science and Technology. 
  • $19,600,000 added by the House for the International Fund for Ireland, a program that tries to aid the peace process in Ireland by paying for golf videos, pony trekking centers, and sweater exports. 
  • $16,369,000 added by the Senate for public library construction. 
  • $9,469,000 added in conference for Migrant Education programs including: $7,441,000 for the High School Equivalency Program; and $2,028,000 for the College Assistance Migrant Program. 
  • $3,100,000 added by the Senate for the National Writing Project.
  • $8,200,000 for a new classroom building at the Rowley Secret Service Training Center in Beltsville, Maryland, which is the district of House Treasury, Postal Service and General Government Appropriations subcommittee member Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) and the state of Senate appropriator Barbara A. Mikulski (D-Md.).

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