Rahm Emanuel’s parting gift to national taxpayers upon leaving
Washington two years ago was a $1 trillion bill for ObamaCare. Now the
Chicago Mayor may add billions more to the tab by dumping his city’s
retirees on the federally subsidized state health exchange.
The city is running a $370 million budget deficit, which will blow up in
2015 when a $1.2 billion balloon payment for pensions comes due. The
bill for retiree health benefits is $194 million this year and will grow
to $540 million by 2023. Actuaries have recommended that the city sock
away $2 billion this year to finance future benefits and pay down a $23
billion unfunded liability. Meanwhile, Chicago’s pension funds, which
are projected to run dry by the end of the decade, are scraping the
bottoms of their barrels to pay for retiree health benefits.
Enter the Mayor’s commission. The four-member panel issued a report
this month suggesting that dumping pre-Medicare retirees onto the
state’s ObamaCare exchange in 2014 could be fab for retirees and city
taxpayers. Nearly 60% of retirees and 94% of those who receive subsidies
would pay less for their health care on the exchange. Chicago and its pension funds in turn would shed $23 billion in
liabilities, assuming supplemental benefits for Medicare recipients are
also cancelled.
On the other hand, the cost to national taxpayers would be enormous,
especially if other local and state governments joined the party.
Federal subsidies for Chicago retirees would amount to $44 million in
2014 and increase as more workers retire in their early to mid-50s and
health costs grow. All told, state and local governments are on the hook
for between $700 billion and $1.5 trillion for retiree health benefits,
and like Chicago most will soon be unable to afford even their minimum
annual payments.
The Chicago report illustrates once again how ObamaCare provides a
convenient mechanism and incentive for employers to transfer health-care
liabilities to national taxpayers—and how the costs will explode beyond
Washington’s projections.
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