It seems like every day I read about how government wastes money so I thought I would record them. Since I began this blog, I have been stunned by the amount of waste, fraud, and mismanagement I have found. I recognize that some government is necessary for any society to exist but without the "profit incentive" that we have in private enterprise, government continues to grow like a cancer and along with it the potential for abuse. If you ever needed a reason to limit government, just read some of the following posts.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

$1.6 Million Per Job

The federal government distributed $9 billion in economic “stimulus” funds to solar and wind projects in 2009-2011 that created, as the end result, 910 “direct” jobs (annual operation and maintenance positions) meaning that it cost about $9.8 million to establish each of those long-term jobs.

At the same time, those green energy projects also created about 4,600 “indirect” jobs (positions indirectly supported by the annual operation and maintenance jobs) which means they cost about $1.9 million each.

Combined (910 + 4,600 = 5,510), the direct and indirect jobs cost, on average, about $1.63 million each to produce. As in the case of Solyndra, some of those companies have gone bankrupt so the actual cost is probably higher.

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