It seems like every day I read about how government wastes money so I thought I would record them. Since I began this blog, I have been stunned by the amount of waste, fraud, and mismanagement I have found. I recognize that some government is necessary for any society to exist but without the "profit incentive" that we have in private enterprise, government continues to grow like a cancer and along with it the potential for abuse. If you ever needed a reason to limit government, just read some of the following posts.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Republicans Join Democrats to Save Corporate Welfare

A lot of members of congress, especially Republicans, talk a good game when it comes to spending, limited government, free markets, etc. However, when the time comes to put their money where their mouths are, many choose to instead put other people’s money in the mouths of special interests.

Rep. Tom McClintock (R-CA) introduced three amendments to the recently passed Energy & Water appropriations bill that would have eliminated a slew of business subsidies at the Department of Energy. Unfortunately, some House Republicans teamed up with their Democratic colleagues to keep the corporate welfare spigot flowing.

  • The largest spending cut proposal came from Rep. Tom McClintock (R-Calif.) which would have eliminated the Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy account at the Department of Energy and used the $1.45 billion in savings toward deficit reduction. Like other Republicans, McClintock argued that this account needlessly spends money on questionable private investments that have not led to any measurable returns. But the House rejected McClintock’s amendment in a 113-275 vote in which 113 Republicans voted for it but 107 Republicans joined every Democrat in opposition.
  • Rep. Tom McClintock (R-Calif.) proposed ending all nuclear energy research subsidies to private companies which would have saved $514 million and used that money to lower the deficit. But the House rejected that amendment in a 106-281 vote that divided Republicans 91-134. 
  • McClintock also proposed language cutting fossil energy research subsidies which would have saved $554 million. But the House killed that amendment 138-249 as Republicans split again 102-123.
  • Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) and McClintock proposed shutting down the Department of Energy’s Title 17 loan guarantee program. That’s the program that gave us Solyndra. The amendment failed 136-282 with 127 Republicans joining 155 Democrats to defeat the amendment.

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